Friday, February 10, 2017

Junior High GTC Program Update

At the January 24th GPS board meeting, the school board heard the superintendent's report on the proposed GTC program.  The superintendent and her cabinet are recommending the program to the board.  

On February 7th, GPS held a parent information meeting about the new proposed GTC program.  You can find out about the program by visiting the GTC webpage.

The Next Step ...

On February 14th, the GPS School Board will hold its monthly Work Study.  At the Work Study the board will hear a formal presentation from the Curriculum Department/Gifted Education Dept. with the details of the GTC program.  They will recommend the program to the board. 

Parents and general members of the community may attend the work study in person.  Please not that public comments are not heard at board work studies.  Parents and community members may also watch online.  By attending the work study you will show the board that parents are watching and are interested in gifted education services for secondary students.
  • To attend in person, the work study begins at 6:30pm and is at the district office, building B in the board room.
  • To watch online click here to go to the Livestream page of the district's website
  • 24 hours prior to the work study the agenda for the meeting will be posted to BoardDocs.  By viewing the agenda you can see where the GTC presentation is in the schedule and there will also be a link to the power point slide show.
The board will vote on the GTC program at their monthly board business meeting on February 28th.  Public Comments are heard at board business meetings.  A GTC update will be made on the GSG blog/Facebook page prior to the board meeting on the 28th.

Positive Parent Advocacy ...

After you, the parent, become familiar with the GTC program through the means listed above, you can make a difference by emailing the GPS board to express appreciation that ...  
  1. The district is supporting the GPS Gifted Education Vision statement by expanding gifted education programming into the secondary grades.
  2. District staff has worked many, many hours to research secondary gifted programming according to the Strategic Operating Plan, as indicated on page 8.
  3. The board is mindful of the genuine needs of Gilbert's gifted students.
  4. Also, briefly tell them what having the GTC will mean to you and your gifted child(ren)
  • All Board members can be emailed at the following address: ... and yes, feel free to include the above links (#1-3) in your email to the board!  Keeping your communications POSITIVE will make the biggest impact.

We can let the board members know that the GTC is a well thought out, needed program in Gilbert.  We parents can make a difference!  

Your Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted Board

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