Monday, February 27, 2017

GTC Update

On Tuesday, February 14, 2017, the GPS School Board held their monthly work study.  Item three on the agenda was to hear a presentation about the proposed GTC program and allow the board to ask questions. 

This is a hi-light of topics covered at the board work study regarding the GTC:
  • Program application criteria
  • Teacher qualifications
  • Option to replicate the program elsewhere in the district if data indicates such a need
  • Why the location of Highland Junior was chosen
  •  High school support for gifted students
  • Cost of the program (see links below)
  • Transportation via busing at regional bus stops
  • The origin of the program name.  

If you wish to view the video record of the GTC portion of the work study, it begins at 1:41:00 and concludes at 2:40:00 at this link

Parents, Now what?

The GTC program is now pending board approval.  The GPS Board will be able to approve the GTC program at their February 28th Business Meeting.  

Q:  As a parent, how can I show support for the GTC program?  
A:  Do one or all of the following:
  1.  Attend the February 28th GPS board meeting.  It begins at 7:00 pm and is at the district office.  This will show the board that the GTC is something that is valued and needed by gifted students in our community.
  2. At the board meeting, fill out a "request to speak form" to spend 1-3 minutes letting the board know the information below.
  3. Send the entire board an email at with the information below.
Express appreciation that ...  
  1. The district is supporting the GPS Gifted Education Vision statement by expanding gifted education programming into the secondary grades.
  2. District staff has worked many, many hours to research secondary gifted programming according to the Strategic Operating Plan, as indicated on page 8.
  3. The board is mindful of the genuine needs of Gilbert's gifted students.
  4. Also, briefly tell them what having the GTC will mean to you and your gifted child(ren)
  5. OR if you do not live in the east area of the district and your gifted child is not yet old enough to attend the GTC in 2017-18, express a hope that a second location closer to your home may be opened up in the near future.
  • We can let the board members know that the GTC is a well thought out, needed program in Gilbert.  By keeping our communications positive we can make a difference!  

See you Tuesday!

Your Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted Executive Board

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