by Stephanie Newitt
Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted was co- founded in 2009 by
Stephanie Newitt and Jill Humpherys. They
met when their daughters became friends in junior high. They shared with each other the challenges they
have faced as they have raised their gifted children – Jill has 5 children and Stephanie
has 4. Between the two of them they have
twice exceptional children, gifted and highly gifted children. Stephanie has a B.S. degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. Jill has a B.S. degree in English. They have attended the AAGT Parent Institute
and have read books on parenting and giftedness. They felt a support group for the families and
educators of gifted students was needed in the Gilbert area. They have appreciated the support of family
and friends who have assisted them with and in their executive board
If you wish to participate in our organization or learn about giftedness and advocacy for the gifted, please contact us at
2012-2013 Executive Board officers:
- President – Stephanie Newitt
- Vice-President – Jill Humpherys
- Treasure – Emily Redhair
- Secretary – Open … if interested, please email us at
2012-2013 General Board openings:
- Parent Mentor Coordinator
- Representative for Parent-Superintendent Council
- Communications Coordinator
- Web Master
- We wrote our mission statement and by-laws
- We filed for and received our non-profit tax ID
- Created our website –
- Began networking with the Gilbert Public School (GPS) ALP Coordinator, Linda Sadusky
- Began observing GPS School Board meetings
- Spoke out at GPS School Board meetings in favor of expansions to Gifted Educational Services
Gilbert- Affiliated with GPS
- Continued observing GPS School Board meetings
- Continued networking with new ALP Coordinator, Beth Baker
- Began observing the GPS CORE Committee as it worked to develop the guiding principles for the GPS Strategic Plan
- Began hosting quarterly meetings for parents to network with each other
- Sent representation to monthly Parent-Superintendent Council
- Spoke out at GPS School Board meetings in favor of expansions to Gifted Educational Services
- Established Yahoo groups for notices and parent networking
- Affiliated with AAGT.
- Sent representation to AAGT Parent Institute.
- Continued observing the GPS CORE Committee
- Continued observing GPS School Board meetings
- Requested that GPS add a subscribe button to the Gifted Education page of the district website
- Spoke out at GPS School Board meetings in favor of expansions to Gifted Educational Services, specifically an elementary self-contained class
- Sent representation to monthly Parent-Superintendent Council
- Served on the GPS Strategic Planning Committee
- GSG submitted to GPS the Points for Consideration on Gifted Education for GPS Strategic Plan Implementation.
- Invited GPS to send a strong delegation to the AAGT Educators’ Conference. Positive Results - GPS sent 25 educators
- Established a Facebook page for event notices
- Submitted representation to serve on the GPS Gifted Education Vision Statement Committee for 2012-2013
- Through GPS, solicited each GPS Elementary school for a representative to be a Gifted Parent Mentor for 2012-2013. Eleven out of 27 schools responded. We hope for increased response each additional school year.
- Sent representation to the AAGT Educators’ Conference
- Sent representation to the AAGT Parent Institute
- Began letter campaign in support of the TALANT Act
2012-2013 - To strengthen support for
families of the gifted through -
- A fully staffed Executive Board
- A Parent Mentor Coordinator on the general board
- Sending representation to GPS Gifted Ed. Vision Statement Committee
- Gifted Parent Mentors at local schools
- Guest speakers at the GSG quarterly meetings
- New GSG blog for increased community connections
- Continue advocating for self-contained classes for the highly gifted in GPS, at the elementary and secondary levels
IN THE NEWS - Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted
- AZ Republic - Jun. 4, 2010 - Mother starts gifted program support group
- AZ Republic - Mar. 1, 2012 - Gilbert district explores option for elementary gifted program
- AZ Republic - Apr. 19, 2012 - Gilbert school district closer to adding classroom for gifted