Here is what Dr Dan Peters of the Summit Center has to say about technology. "Last weekend we had an extended family dinner with many relatives. I was sitting on a cushion on the fireplace and looking at a large couch and an oversized chair stuffed with nine cousins ranging from ages 12 to 22. They were smiling, laughing, sitting on each other and…they were all on their phones! I didn’t realize it at first because I guess it has become so normal to see screens. At that moment I realized I was observing — and living in — a social experiment that is universal to all families today. Media and technology are a regular and normal part of our kid’s lives and our modern culture – a new normal.
While the specific struggles with screen time vary from family to family, as a counselor to parents, teens, children I know this is an issue parents struggle with every day. Here are 5 tips I try to implement in my own home and I tell my patients to practice: Digital Breaks"
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Monday, April 24, 2017
Pixar offers free online lessons in storytelling via Khan Academy
There are few organizations in the world that can claim more expertise when it comes to storytelling than Pixar. The Disney-owned animation studio is known for its ability to consistently create world-class movies with gripping narrative alongside stunning visuals. Now, Pixar is helping others learn the secrets of great storytelling – for free, in partnership with online education provider Khan Academy. To find out more, go to Free Online lessons.
Friday, April 21, 2017
There is still a chance for the $500,000 in the 2018 budget, IF we can influence enough Legislators by reminding them of the immediate need for funding! Please continue your phone calls and emails to the House and Senate Appropriations Committee members!
Representative Carter and Senator Brophy-McGee are also working on negotiations for the 2019 budget. There is momentum right now and it is important to communicate with the Legislators on the Appropriations Committees and flood the Governor’s office with emails and phone calls
regarding the 2019 budget.
Email and call the House and Senate Appropriations Committee members and flood the Governor’s office with emails and phone calls. Also include tags in your social media posts!
The message is:
Please recognize the need to respond to the unique learning differences of gifted students with identification, programs and services by beginning a path forward in 2019 for gifted funding.
Tell the Governor how much you appreciate his support! Dawn Wallace has been supportive of gifted education in our conversations with her. Please thank Dawn as well!
Governor Doug Ducey: 602-542-4331 (click on “Contact us”)
Senior Advisor to the Governor for Education & Strategic Initiatives:
Dawn Wallace / 602-542-1316
Thank you for your support of gifted education!
Donna J. Campbell, AAGT Advocacy Chair
Senate Appropriations Committee
- Debbie Lesko (Chair) (LD 21):
- John Kavanagh (Vice Chair) (LD 23):
- Sylvia Allen (LD 6):
- Olivia Cajero Bedford (LD 3):
- Steve Farley (LD 9):
- Katie Hobbs (LD 24):
- Steve Montenegro (LD 13):
- Warren Petersen (LD 12):
- Martin Quezada (LD 29):
- Steve Smith (LD 11):
House Appropriations Committee
- Don Shooter (LD13):
- David Livingston (LD22):
- Lela Alston (LD24):
- Russell Bowers (LD25):
- Mark Cardenas (LD19):
- Heather Carter (LD15):
- Ken Clark (LD24):
- Regina Cobb (LD5):
- Charlene Fernanadez (LD4):
- Randell Friese (LD9):
- Vince Leach (LD11):
- Jill Norgaard (LD18):
- Tony Rivero (LD21):
- Michelle Ungenti-Rita (LD23):
Other leaders to contact:
- Senator Steve Yarbrough (LD17), President of Senate
- Senator Kimberly Yee (LD20), Majority Leader
- Representative J.D. Mesnard (LD17), Speaker of the House
- Representative John Allen (LD15), Majority Leader
Thank you for your Support!
These legislative districts lie within the boundaries of Gilbert Public Schools.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Just a reminder that our guest lecture will be tomorrow evening, April 20th, from 7 till 8 pm at the library at Greenfield Junior High!! Come find out what Otto Seigel has to say about video games and your gifted child!!
Friday, April 14, 2017
Gifted Programs: Tours & Open Houses
Junior High Gifted Program: Gifted Talented Creative (GTC)
Though the application window is closed, there are still just a handful of spaces left. If you are interested in learning more about this program for gifted 7th and 8th graders, come to the Open House on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 6pm in the library at Highland Junior High School. This event will allow for families to meet the teachers, view the campus and understand the curriculum.
Elementary Self-Contained Gifted (SCG) program
The Self-contained Gifted Program provides an all-day differentiated learning experience addressing the individual needs of the highly gifted students. Students will be with other highly gifted peers for all core content areas (math, reading, writing, social studies and science). They will participate in special area instruction and are included in all grade level activities, field trips and lunch.
The Self-contained Gifted Program currently has a 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classroom at Towne Meadows Elementary School. The application window for this program is now open and closes on April 19th. Tours are during the school day on April 19th and May 4th. The Open House is April 25th.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
"Electronic Games: A Blessing or Curse for your Gifted Child?"
Summer is coming! Will your kids spend the entire vacation in front of a screen? What are the pros and cons to screen time for gifted children? Otto Seigel will share research, insights and parenting tips on this important topic at our next guest lecture.
DATE: Thursday, April 20th.
TIME: 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:45pm)
PLACE: Greenfield Junior library
DATE: Thursday, April 20th.
TIME: 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:45pm)
PLACE: Greenfield Junior library
Thursday, April 6, 2017
37 Techniques to Calm an Anxious Child
"In my work with anxious children, I have found it tremendously beneficial for both parents and kids to have a toolkit full of coping skills from which to choose. As you know, every child is different and some of the tools described below will resonate more than others. When you pick one to work with, please try it at least two to three times before making a judgment on whether it suits your child and family.
Here are 37 techniques to calm an anxious child..." Check out the article here: Calm an Anxious Child