Thursday, December 1, 2016

 GSG New Website Hi-Lights:  Gifted Testing, #3 in our series

The Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted website has been updated! 

The GIFTED TESTING page includes information to help answer these questions:
  • How do you know if outside gifted testing would be of benefit to your child's growth and academic options?  We have provided a list of questions to help you determine what is best for your child!
  • Then, once you've decided to obtain outside gifted testing, how do you go about finding someone who is both qualified and experienced with gifted testing?  We have included some resources to help with this!
  • What do the result numbers from gifted testing even mean????  Check out our gifted testing page to shed some light on this very subject. 

Until next time,

Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted
Executive Board

Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Positive School Year

Now that school is well on it's way, check out this article for ways to make it a positive year. Starting the School Year on a Positive Note

Image result for school images

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Updates from AAGT

Image result for aagt logo
Do you sense a change in the air?  How fortunate we are in Arizona to know cooler days are ahead and the feast of a colorful blooming desert is upon us!
There is a similar sense of anticipation in our advocacy efforts.
Since State funding for gifted education was taken away in 2010, districts and schools have struggled to identify their gifted students, prepare teachers to challenge their students and provide programs and service options that are flexible to accommodate a variety of learning needs.
Members of the Advocacy Committee met with State Representative Heather Carter last week to discuss a plan to get funding for gifted education reinstated.  You will hear more specifics in the coming weeks regarding the plan and ways in which you can become involved. 
In the meantime, here is a place to start.  Email, call or visit Representatives and Senators in your Legislative District to introduce yourself and share your story of why support of gifted education is important to you.  Remind them you will keep in touch and ask that they support the reinstatement of funding for gifted education.  Let’s see what blooms from the seeds we plant now!
Best wishes and keep in touch!
Donna J.Campbell, President
Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented

AAGT Conference Program Cover Contest--EXTENDED!
 Each year we ask students across the state to participate in a contest to design the cover of the annual conference program. The winner will receive a $100 gift card. Please encourage your students to participate. The deadline for submissions had been extended! All submissions should include the theme of the conference and the year into the design (Gifted Education 2.0: Leaving Behind the Status Quo). Scan and send your students’ artwork along with contact information for you and the artist to  Please submit by mid-November.
Nominate Your Teacher or Administrator of the Year!
Deadline is December 15th, 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016

GSG New Website Hi-Lights: Advocacy, #2 in our series

The Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted website has been updated! 

The ADVOCACY page includes:
  • When advocating for our gifted child, what information is good to have?  This page includes guidance on what information to gather about your gifted child to show his/her genuine needs.
  • How do you talk to other people who don't understand the gifted world?  Tips on how to talk about giftedness
  • How can I help my gifted pre-teen or teen learn to develop self-advocacy skills?  How can these skills benefit students?  Resources are included on this page to help you guide your gifted tween or teen in developing these helpful skills.
  • Is every student the same?  An incredible real-life analogy from the Air Force explains the "Myth of Average."  Don't miss this Tedx Talk by Todd Rose. 

Attachments area

Friday, November 4, 2016

November Guest Lecture

Dates and speakers for the GSG 2016-17 Guest Lecture series 
can be found on the News & Events page of the GSG website.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Do I have to show my work?

If your child has ever been frustrated about being told "you must show proof of your work," then your child will relate to Ramanujan, the main character of the 2016 international filmThe Man Who Knew Infinity

Our family just watched this movie from Redbox. The Man Who Knew Infinity is "the true story of friendship that forever changed mathematics. In 1913, Srinivasa Ramanujan (Dev Patel), a self-taught Indian mathematics genius, traveled to Trinity College, Cambridge, where over the course of five years, forged a bond with his mentor, the brilliant and eccentric professor, G.H. Hardy (Jeremy Irons), and fought against prejudice to reveal his mathematic genius to the world. The film also stars Devika Bhise, Stephen Fry and Toby Jones. This is Ramanujan’s story as seen through Hardy’s eyes."

This movie was extremely well done and is family friendly.  Rated PG-13 for "smoking and some violence," click here to see the movie trailer. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

GSG New Website Hi-Lights: Home Page, First of a Series of Posts

The Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted website has been updated!  It has a new look!  It is easier to navigate and has new information!  To help you become acquainted with these new resources, the next few blog posts will be part of a series:  GSG New Website Hi-lights.

Be sure to check out the HOME page and its sub-pages.  These include:
  • A teacher-made video "I Am Gifted" to prompt discussions between you and your child about what it means to be gifted.
  • The GSG mission statement to learn what we are about.
  • New to our home page is a means to make convenient donations through Pay Pal. 
  • Meet the GSG board!  We have new board members in 2016!  They are passionate and dedicated to supporting the gifted children of Gilbert.
  • Has GSG really made a difference?  Our ABOUT page contains a brief history of our advocacy efforts.  Whether you are a long-time subscriber or new this year, we thank you for your support and donations.  You have helped to make a difference!
We hope you find the information on the Home page and its sub-pages to be helpful.  Please consider making an annual family donation of $20, or an amount of your choice.


Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted
Executive Board

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Barnes and Noble Mini Maker Faire

Visit the 2nd Annual Barnes and Noble Mini Maker Faire.  At 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., in all Barnes & Noble stores for demonstrations that will amaze and inspire you! Experience the latest in virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing, pen-invent technology, robotics, coding, programming, and more.   There will also be hands-on creation stations so you can make your own product from 12-5PM on both days.” More information can be found at their website:

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Little Adults

Boy wearing hat and holding a fake mustache to his face

Are you living with a little adult? Does your gifted child seem like an old soul housed in a small body? This article might offer some advice! Gifted Children who think they are Little Adults

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Anxiety and Self-Esteem

How Anxiety Affects Your Child's Self-Esteem

Dr. Dan Peters
Dr. Dan Peters, Executive Director
By Dr. Dan Peters
As parents, we want our children to go into the world of school, peers and friendships, and life feeling happy, confident and valued. We do our best to fortify their self-confidence within the home so that they are equipped to be strong and successful in the rest of the world.

But what happens when they experience real issues that create obstacles to maintaining a good self-esteem?

One issue that can affect self-esteem is anxiety. Anxiety is common in young people's lives, especially in the school arena where they are under constant pressure to get good grades and perform. A little stress is normal, perhaps even healthy, but what happens when your child's life is dominated by worry? This can make your child feel insecure and scared. As a result, they often feel less confident in their abilities to solve problems and manage every day situations.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

September Guest Lecture

Come join us for our first lecture of the new school year!
We look forward to meeting new faces and seeing old friends!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

From AAGT's July 2016 newsletter ...

AAGT is the Voice of Arizona’s Gifted and Talented Children! And we are actively working on their behalf with State Legislators to restore funding for gifted education in the State.   Restoring funding will provide professional development for teachers, and provide resources, programs and services important in the whole education of our gifted students!  Your support and active involvement is needed!
How you can help right now-
-Attend precinct meetings leading up to the primary election and ask the question of the candidates, “Would you be in favor of restoring funding for Gifted Education in Statute?”
-Find out the names of Legislators in your District.  Email or call them.  Tell your story of why restoring funding is important to you.  Ask to see each one in person and consider bringing a gifted student(s) along with you.  Continue to be in contact with your State Senator and Representatives so you can help each one be an informed supporter of restoring funding for gifted education.
-Register to attend the AAGT Parent Institute on September 17, 2016.  This is a great opportunity to network with others about parenting and educating gifted children.  In addition you will hear more about our initiatives to raise awareness about the learning differences of gifted students and the avenues we will be pursuing to restore funding to support educational opportunities commensurate with our gifted students’ advanced abilities.
YOU are important.  Do not underestimate the difference YOU can make!
Please join us!
Hope to meet you soon!
Donna J. Campbell, President

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

How to Talk About Giftedness Part 5 of 5 - Bill of Rights for Parents of Gifted Children

Recap of the January 2016 Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted Guest Lecture 
How to Talk About Giftedness - PART 5, concluding segment
Bill of Rights for Parents of Gifted Children

Inspired by the NAGC’s Gifted Children’s Bill of Rights, Lisa Van Gemert created a Bill of Rights for Parents of Gifted Children and posted them on her blog.  Click here for her blog post.

This concludes our series of blog posts, “Bringing Giftedness into Daylight.”  These posts were based on our January 2016 Guest Lecture.  We hope you will join us a future guest lectures.  We also hope that you feel more educated and empowered as an advocate of your gifted child.

Monday, June 27, 2016

How to Talk About Giftedness Part 4 of 5 - The Gifted Child's Bill of Rights

Recap of the January 2016 Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted Guest Lecture 
How to Talk About Giftedness - PART 4
The Gifted Child’s Bill of Rights

In parts 3 and 4 of this series, we have given you tips on debunking common myths that surround giftedness.  When you turn the myths around, you have the Gifted Child’s Bill of Rights -

Gifted children, you have a right to -
  • know about your giftedness.
  • learn something new every day.
  • be passionate about your talent area without apologies.
  • have an identity beyond your talent area.
  • feel good about your accomplishments.
  • make mistakes.
  • seek guidance in the development of your talent.
  • have multiple peer groups and a variety of friends.
  • choose which of your talent areas you wish to pursue.
  • not to be gifted at everything.

The Gifted Child’s Bill of Rights was created by Del Siegle, NAGC president (2007-2009).

Stay tuned for part 5, the final segment in this series – Bill of Rights for Parents of Gifted Children

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summer Greetings!

Summer Greetings!

Please read the letter below and respond immediately to the request to contact the Governor's office.  We want to keep the momentum going with our work to restore funding for gifted education!

It is easy to do your part!

Thank you so much,
Donna J. Campbell, President,


What did I do on my summer vacation? I made a difference in the lives of gifted children. 

Through the heat of summer, it may be hard to imagine that fall will ever be here. Yet as you read these words, decision makers at the capitol are making funding plans for the 2017-2018 school year. We need your help to make sure that gifted education is part of these discussions.  

As you know, Arizona schools are mandated to provide gifted education, yet the state has not funded this mandate since 2009. Our schools need this money to identify gifted students, train teachers, and provide the education our students need. With your help last legislative session, AAGT gained serious ground in the fight for funding. We need your help again to keep the heat on our leaders to fund these important programs. 

Would you please spend two minutes of your summer vacation improving the lives of gifted children? Governor Ducey's office needs to hear from you TODAY that gifted education should be a priority. The process is easy. Simply go to his office webpage, and you can cut and paste our message or feel free to write your own. 

We don't want to see the support for gifted education melt away! Let's keep the heat on our leaders to fund these essential programs! 


Governor Ducey, 

I am a (Parent of a gifted child; gifted educator; gifted student) and a member of Arizona Association for Gifted & Talented. Gifted Education is a state mandate, yet it has not been funded in Arizona since FY2009.

There is a common myth that gifted students will do fine on their own. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many gifted students are so far ahead of their same-age peers that they know more than half of the grade-level curriculum before the school year begins. Their resulting boredom and frustration can lead to low achievement, despondency, or unhealthy work habits. The role of the teacher is crucial for spotting and nurturing talents in school. It is often difficult for parents of gifted children to find academic programs and teachers who understand the strengths and struggles of gifted kids. For this reason, funding gifted education is essential not only to gifted students, parents, and educators, but also to the future Arizona economy that will need this bright young minds in the coming years.  

As you plan for the 2017-2018 school year, funding for gifted education should be part of the discussion. These essential programs have gone unfunded for too long. Please, as you plan for the future school years, include funding for gifted education. 

Our students are counting on you. 


(Your name here) 

Monday, June 20, 2016

How to Talk About Giftedness Part 3 of 5 - What do giftedness and men's height have in common?

Recap of the January 2016 Gilbert Supporters of the Gifted Guest Lecture 
How to Talk About Giftedness - PART 3
What do giftedness and men’s height have in common?

Giftedness is usually defined as those members of the population whose intelligence is found in the 97th percentile or above, or in about 3% of the population.  What if men’s height were to be plotted on the same bell curve?  Below you can see that a man’s height of 6’4” is at the 97th percentile ranking, indicating that any man who is 6’4” or taller is found in less than 3% of the population.

Now, does intelligence in the 97th percentile or above mean that gifted child is destined to being a successful rocket scientist?   Let’s ask a different question.  Does a man’s height in the 97th percentile or above mean that he will be a successful pro basketball player?  Are they both guaranteed a yellow brick road in life?  The answers to these questions is an emphatic NO.

I have a friend who is 6’10” and he shared with me some opportunities and challenges that have come with his height.

        Reach high places without step stool
        Can see in a crowd and be found in a crowd
        HS Basketball team
        College basketball scholarship
        Traveled Europe as a professional basketball player
        Has a commanding presence at work

Challenges:  The world is not made for those in the 97th percentile …
        Was bullied in elementary and junior high
        Must buy clothes and shoes at a specialty shop.  He is very appreciative of the Internet shopping!
        Low doorways
        Car shopping (Are adjustable seats adequate?  Does head hit the roof? Etc.)
        Airplane seating.  For comfort he must sit in the exit isles, which ALWAYS costs extra!

Our Call to Action

Gifted Children, like children who are atypical in height, have unique needs and are often treated unfairly.  Share the example of height as you provide a comparison when discussing giftedness.  It will lower the listeners defenses and help them look at the issue in another light.

When the statement is made “It’s not fair,” ask the follow-up question, “To whom?”  If accommodations are being sought for a gifted child, how is this not fair to the typical child?  If the purpose of school is to learn and grow, then how is providing a learning opportunity for one child, but not another, considered fair?

In the Marland Report to Congress it was stated, “Gifted and Talented children are, in fact, deprived and can suffer psychological damage and permanent impairment of their abilities to function well which is equal to or greater than the similar deprivation suffered by any other population with special needs.”

As a nation we have a problem:
    • Fastest growing homeschooling population is gifted children (often because children are misunderstood in the classroom, and not just for academic reasons)
    • There is the persistent belief that giftedness is only an academic or education issue
    • We cannot expect professionals to be able to meet the needs of these children when burdened by society’s misunderstandings

Tips to Have Good Conversations
“We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them” – Livy


Help people be more comfortable with the conversation about giftedness  -
·         Make eye contact (sincere not aggressive)
·         Believe in the conversation (know you are helping kids who can’t help themselves)
·         Use humor
·         Use analogies
·         Find common ground (want to help all children)
·         Concentrate on gaining understanding through empathy
·         Be alert to opportunities and be brave in speaking up
·         Rely heavily on science and reason – better received “research is beginning to show…”
·         Use the word GIFTED without embarrassment/accept it when someone calls your kid smart
·         Separate yourself and/or your child from the conversation when appropriate
·         Use your own passion and affiliations to:
o   Share with professionals  (pediatricians, family therapists, etc.)
o   Comment on social media
o   Be public: Respond to blogs, write articles, have conversations, conduct meetings, teach, present…

With positive persistence, using analogies that are easy to relate to, we CAN talk about giftedness, dispelling myths and advocating well for our own children.

Stay tuned for part 4 in this series – The Gifted Child’s Bill of Rights